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Can Dogs Eat Beans: 13 Beans Your Dog Can Eat!

It’s not a new thing that our canine companions tend to enjoy human foods.

Although they’re cute when asking for it, we must be careful. Even more so if it has many varieties of it.

Can dogs eat beans?

Yes, dogs can eat beans but only a few selected types. Not all kinds of beans are safe for dogs. Also when feeding beans, you’ve to cook them thoroughly. Feeding raw beans can cause them to have an upset stomach. Apart from these, beans are nutritious and a healthy treat for dogs.

That was only the highlight. To know more details keep reading our piece till the end. 

Let’s begin!

Are Beans Safe For Dogs?

Beans are safe for dogs but not just all varieties of them. So, it depends on which bean you want to include in your dog’s diet. 

Beans are rich in protein, fiber, and many other minerals. So it would be good for your dog’s health. But it shouldn’t be introduced as a regular source of protein for your pet.

That’s because beans are high in fiber. So, it makes them gassy. Feeding excessive beans may result in dogs having diarrhea at night.

So beans should be given to them in small amounts occasionally. The amount must never cross 10% of the total daily calorie intake.

What Beans Can Dogs Eat?

There are more than 400 varieties of beans growing all over the world. Of course, not all are edible for your dog. So, you’ve to be careful about distinguishing which ones are edible for them.

Here’s a list of the types of beans that are good for dogs:

  • Kidney bean 
  • Soybean
  • Pinto bean
  • Garbanzo bean
  • Black bean
  • Butter bean
  • Green bean
  • Lentils
  • Lima bean
  • Chickpeas
  • Edamame beans
  • Cannellini beans
  • Haricot/Navy beans

You can feed any beans to your pet from this list. But while giving beans to them salt and any seasoning must be avoided. 

They are harmful to your canine friend. This rule applies even when you feed sardines to dogs.

What Beans Dogs Mustn’t Eat?

We’ve seen the varieties of beans that are edible for dogs.

Now let’s see which types are harmful to them and why:

Type Of BeanEffect On Dogs
Coffee beanCauses neurological damage 
Baked beanCauses obesity in dogs
Chili beanCauses stomach problem
Refried beanCauses thiamine deficiency 
Raw kidney beanCauses vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain
Canned beanCauses thiamine deficiency, stomach problem
Fava beanCauses diarrhea, vomiting, and abdominal pain

Substances like salt, spices, and preservatives harm dogs’ bodies. So if these substances are present in the diet, that’s not suitable for dogs.

Now that the scary talks are over, let’s talk about the good sides of beans.

Nutritional Benefits Of Feeding Beans To Dogs

Beans are a very nutritious food for both humans and dogs. It has protein, fiber, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. So much nutrition in such a small bean piece is impressive.

Even more impressive is how they help improve your dog’s health. So, let’s talk about how your fur buddy can benefit from them.

Supplies Protein 

Beans have a heavy concentration of amino acids in them. This makes them a perfect source of protein. Thus, helping your dog to gain more muscle and strength.

So, as a source of protein, you can include beans in the diet sometimes. Among other beans, soybean contains a higher concentration of amino acids. 

Thus, soybean would be a great addition to your dog’s diet. You can also add dog treats if soybean is not available. They’ll work well as soybean substitutes.

Here’s our recommendation for dog treats containing high protein:

Product 1
Product 2

Supplies Vitamin & Minerals

Beans contain Vitamins A, C, E, K, and B6. Vitamin A is good for improving heart and eye conditions. Vitamin K is good for clotting blood. It also improves the overall blood circulation of your dog’s body. 

In addition, Vitamin C enhances their immune system. 

Coming to minerals, Beans contain potassium, folate, iron, and magnesium. 

Iron creates more red blood cells. Magnesium helps with absorbing other types of nutrition in the body. Potassium is good for nourishing the bones and skeleton. They are especially good for pups and older dogs.

Supplies Antioxidants 

Antioxidants are substances that remove radicals from the body. As a result, the cell damage rate decreases and health conditions improve. 

Free radicals are created in a dog’s body from many physiological processes. The antioxidants in beans can fend off these radicals—this help prevents the damage to healthy body cells in a dog’s body.

That’s not all, it also helps with lowering cholesterol. It minimizes arthritis changes and also prevents cancer in dogs. So, it’s a very important substance for our canine friends.

Supplies Dietary Fiber 

Beans are enriched with high dietary fiber. It’s essential nutrition for both dogs and humans. Dietary fiber improves the digestion system and improves metabolism. 

It also helps fight off diarrhea and acts as a treatment for constipation in dogs. Fibers also help to keep the stomach full for a long time. 

So it’s suitable for dogs with obesity problems. It helps with keeping their weight in check.

How To Feed Beans To Your Dogs?

There are many ways you can add beans to your dog’s diet. But they must be adequately processed. Always soak the dry beans overnight and rinse them in water properly. 

Beans must always be cooked well before you give them to your dogs. Except for green beans, they can be allowed to be fed raw. You can mash them and mix them with dog food too. 

Mashing them is better because it helps with digestion. Feeding kiwis to your dogs and mixing some beans are also good options. You can mix them with meat/fish and make fish/meatballs. 

Dogs love these snacks. But always be careful with the amount so you’re not overfeeding them.


How many beans can I feed my dog?

You can feed your dog 2-3 pieces of beans. But not more than that. They are high in protein and fiber. Giving any more than that can make them obese.

Can dogs have an allergic reaction to beans?

Yes, it’s possible that dogs can have an allergic reaction to beans. Since not all dogs have the same health conditions. So if your dog shows allergy symptoms to beans, stop feeding them.

Can I feed beans to my dogs as a substitute for meat?

No, you shouldn’t do that. Even though beans have high protein, it is plant-based. So it can’t be a meat substitute. Dogs need quality proteins that can be gained from meat and fish.