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Why Does My Dog Sound Like a Pig: 6 Reasons Explained!

Do you notice something odd about how your dog sounds?

Confused as to what might be the root cause of the problem?

Why does my dog sound like a pig?

Your dog will sound like a pig when his neck reflexes contract and are inflated. These squealing pigg sounds are known as reverse sneezing. Another cause might be a too-tight collar making it harder for air to pass the windpipes. The airway is at risk of injury in cases like these.

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Reasons Why My Dog Sounds Like a Pig

We’ve gone over the six most probable causes behind your dog sounding like a pig.

Reason 1: Shorter Airway

Certain canine varieties are classified as brachycephalic. Such species feature flattened cheeks and narrow noses. They frequently appear to have had their nose forced in. 

Pugs, Chow Chows, English Bulldogs, and Bull Mastiffs are all brachycephalic varieties. Special measures needed to be taken for the care of brachycephalic dogs.

Some smaller breeds are more prone to sounding like a pig as well. Beagles and Yorkies are examples of them. 

Brachycephalic breeds have shorter noses and trachea than other breeds. As a result, they create noises such as snoring and oinking, just like pigs.

Reason 2: Reverse Sneezing

Canines are prone to a syndrome known as “reverse sneezing.” This is a scenario in which the dog suddenly starts to exert great effort to breathe. 

This produces a sound quite comparable to a pig’s snort. The dog’s neck is extended, his mouth is closed, and his lips are dragged in.

“Reverse sneezing” is a typical phenomenon that develops during inhalation. It tries to eliminate irritants from the nasal cavity and keep them from reaching the lungs.

When you’ve seen a dog “reverse sneeze,” you should be able to spot the disease. But, if you’ve never seen it before, it might be hard to distinguish between this illness and coughing, choking, sneezing, or gagging. 

Especially when more than just one symptom is present simultaneously.

Reason 3: Collar

The airway can be harmed if the collar is too tight. Consider a hand wrapping around the neck. Since it constricts the larynx, a firm grasp makes it challenging to inhale. If it becomes much faster, it can obstruct the flow of air.

Visualize a hand encircling the throat. A firm grip makes it harder to breathe because it compresses the larynx. If the collars are overly tight, the airway can be injured.

It can ultimately impede the airflow when it becomes considerably tighter. If the airway becomes too close, your dog might get hiccups.

This can develop if your dog pulls on its leash. You go for a stroll with your canine. Then they end up seeing another dog and yanks on the rope. 

It does this in an attempt to reach the other dog. You yank them back but then discover they’re imitating pig noises. This was due to the collar impeding ventilation. 

You should probably look into changing your dog’s collars. We’ve found that these are the best collars for dogs with small necks:

Product 1
Product 2

Reason 4: Collapsed Trachea

A collapsed larynx is uncommon but can be fatal if left untreated. It is a progressive disorder, which implies it worsens overage. 

The airways are the windpipe. It comprises muscular and ligament rings and permits air to pass first from the nose into the lungs. It is composed of muscular and ligament rings.

A collapsed trachea occurs when one or all of the ligament rings buckle. It obstructs the trachea, making it challenging for your canine to inhale. A tracheal collapse might be moderate or complete.

Pig noises are one of the indications of a collapsed airway. As a result of the collapsed airways, your dog might start to snore loudly. They might even cough loudly, making a honking sound. 

A canine will feel unmotivated in exercising and other rigorous tasks if it cannot receive adequate air. Even if they’re at rest, they might well have irregular respiration.

Reason 5: Obesity

Obesity increases the likelihood of a pup’s windpipe collapsing. The extra bulk puts stress on the windpipe, causing it to collapse.

It also raises the possibility of Laryngeal paralysis. That makes deep breathing challenging. It is considered painful for the dog for obvious reasons.

The pup’s nervousness prompts him to breathe faster, which worsens matters even more. Because of constrained respiration, the canine may make pig noises. Obese dogs also sound congested at times.

Reason 6: Infection 

Your dog may also make pig sounds if he has sinusitis or pulmonary infection. Since it is harder to breathe via the nostril, your dog makes pig noises. 

While trying to empty its sinus cavities, your canine might also produce frequent reversal sneezing. Bronchiolitis, like a narrowed or collapsed trachea, might induce wheezing or pig noises.

Solutions to the Problems

Make a note if your companions begin to oink or grunt. It could be due to his excitement, yanking on the leash, or other issues. 

If you observe that he exclusively oinks in particular situations, put him on a leash and hold him back from scents.

When in doubt, contact your vet and inquire whether you should bring your puppy in. The vet can get it out if anything gets stuck in his respiratory passage. 

If he has allergies, your vet may recommend antihistamines to help ease some symptoms and minimize these episodes of reverse sneezing.

If your dog has a nostril parasite, the vet can write prescriptions. He might also get some x-rays to figure out what is wrong.


What does it mean when a dog makes a grunting noise?

Dogs, like people, occasionally grunt, generating deep, guttural noises that usually signal happiness. When a puppy grunts frequently, it could be a sign of agony, distress, or disease, and it should be rushed to the vet as soon as possible.

What is the source of my dog’s wheezing?

In canines, wheezing happens whenever anything affects or inhibits airflow in the windpipe. This ends up resulting in airway obstruction. This could be triggered by airway edema and irritation. It happens if something becomes lodged in the windpipe.

What does a dog’s collapsing trachea sound like?

The noise of canine coughing due to a collapsed windpipe is particularly unique. The most common description is a loud, dry cough that sounds like a honking goose.