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Why Does My Dog Pee On His Blanket [5 Reason & Prevention]

Dogs often show peculiar behavioral patterns.

These may include wheezing and pee on beds and blankets.

But these behaviors occurring frequently can be a concern.  

The main conditions can be medical conditions and health complications. It also can be caused by emotional inconsistencies and territory marking. But not only those; if your pet’s age is young and maybe you brought in a new pet, these also happen. But you can prevent them.

I think I have caught your attention. Don’t worry about it anymore. We can look into it together. These must be the most obvious reasons why they do it.

Let’s dive in!

5 Reasons Why Dogs Pee on Their Blankets

There may be many reasons for your dogs peeing on their blankets. If you are aware of such causes, it will be easier to prepare yourself accordingly.

Read along!

Reason 1: Medical Condition

Your dog constantly elevates his leg on blankets, and his head is buried. It never hurts to take him in for a check-up to be relieved. e may have medical issues that a skilled veterinarian should address. It never hurts to take him in for a check-up to be cleared.

It’s natural for a dog with a urinary tract infection to pee on blankets frequently. Or perhaps a more severe illness such as diabetes. 

Female dogs are more likely than male dogs to have urinary tract infections. But if your dog is continuously blanket-piddling, it’s time to take him to the vet.

Diabetes will cause symptoms such as peeing on blankets and other household items. You may notice your dog being more thirsty and vomiting or losing weight.

Arthritis, urinary inconsistency, and medical or surgical side effects can also be considered responsible. 

Reason 2: Emotional Inconsistency

Dogs don’t have similar kinds of cognitive abilities as humans. Although it doesn’t imply they don’t have feelings. 

Dogs who are feeling all consistently express themselves. This includes peeing in places they shouldn’t pee, such as in your bed and on their blankets.

Excitement, tension, and anxiety are the most familiar feelings. These may drive your dog to urinate when he shouldn’t. He could be happy that you’ve returned home, frightened about new visitors, or sad that you’re going. 

It’s not unusual for a dog that often pees on blankets to develop emotional distress. They show this tendency when their owners leave for the day. And even when going on vacation. 

Remember to look for signs like biting one’s paws.

Reason 3: Territory Marking

A dog’s instinct is to pee on things to identify them as their territory. Dogs do not pee or poop in regions where they sleep or relax most of the time. 

If your pet gets a new bed, it will likely pee on it. This is to make it feel and smell like its own.

Reason 4: Age of Your Pet

New pups run around, suck water, and have tiny bladders. It’ll only be a matter of time before they pee. And it’ll be mainly in the house at first.

If you’re frustrated by your dog urinating on blankets, try giving housetraining. 

It’s what they do. And with the correct instruction and time, they can learn to contain their urine.

Reason 5: A New Pet

You might have a newly adopted dog who can pee on blankets frequently. It could be a sign of an emotional problem. But, take note that he could not be ultimately toilet trained.

We rarely know where rescued dogs have been. And what the rescued dogs have been through in their lives. 

Your new buddy may have been taught to pee outside in his former residence. After that, he lost part of his training while at a shelter.

On the other hand, it’s possible that he was never entirely potty trained. It’s necessary to give them time to adjust to their new environment. 

Please give them the moderate initial training and lots of praise, and be patient with them.

6 Ways to Prevent This Behavior

You can do a few things to avoid and train your dog. This is to keep them from peeing on blankets; this is done.

Let’s have a look at how it’s done!

Stop Yelling at Your Dog

Losing your patience will not assist the matter. Don’t shout at your dog if he pees on the bedding. He will become anxious or lose trust in you as a leader. 

Maintain your cool, calm, and collected demeanor while working with your dog. And look out for a vet to determine why your dog keeps urinating inside the house.

Rub Essential Oil in the Blanket

A practical option is to dab a small amount of essential oil along the blanket’s corners. This aroma will keep your dog away from the blanket.

This is an excellent trick if you’re concerned about the blankets you sleep with at night.

Of course, blankets should not be used for this. But it works with any covering in the house. You should apply this repellant to other house areas—especially where you don’t want the dog to mark its territory.

Before using oils like avocado oil for these blankets.

Purchase a Separate Blanket

When your pet gets too comfortable with a blanket, he shows this behavior. Try changing the behavior by changing the blanket often.

These will help your dog to adapt to a newer environment. Also, always be comfy in a new bed and blankets. 

Potty Train Your Dog

After your dog has adapted to your home’s environment, potty training is essential because hygiene is important. 

Try to train the dogs where to dump. Try to specify a spot, choose a location, or make preferable litter boxes. Otherwise, training your dogs to pee outside the house can be considered an option.

Visit the Vet

Consult your veterinarian if your dog suffers from an underlying health condition. This condition is causing him to pee on blankets. 

The veterinarian will diagnose everything from physical to mental concerns. S/he will prescribe meds to treat everything from diabetes to anxiety.

You should consult the veterinarian if toilet training is not the core cause. If anything, you’ll leave with a sense of calm.

Work with a Trainer

You’ve checked out any medical issues, and your dog is completely potty-trained. You could be dealing with a power struggle (or a stubborn dog).

It would help if you made your pet aware of who is in charge at home. But more strategically. There isn’t a better method to accomplish it.

 It is better to do this with the help of a professional, respected, and licensed trainer.

An experienced trainer can enter the situation. They can advise you on what is going on. From there, you’ll work together to devise a strategy. 

All you need is to give a little attention. This will permanently eliminate your dog’s peeing-on-blankets tendency. But the appropriate trainer will help you through it.


Do dogs pee in the home to spite their owners?

Dogs do not urinate or excrete for vengeance or jealousy. Unfamiliar smells and sounds in a new house can be stressful. He feels obligated to verify his claim to his territory. He feels compelled to confirm his claim to his territory.

Is it true that licking relieves anxiety in dogs?

Dogs lick for various reasons, but excessive licking usually indicates a problem. Licking causes the brain of the dog to release endorphins. This helps to relieve their anxiety to make them feel better.

Why do my dogs keep following me around?

If your dog follows around, you are trusted and loved. Your presence makes them feel safe. Following you too closely may indicate that they are bored. They also do it if they want something, are terrified, or are simply nosy.