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Why Does My Dog Lick the Air: 8 Reasons & What to do!

It is natural for anybody to wonder why dogs lick the air.

Before you become very concerned, you should understand the causes of this.

Why does my dog lick the air? 

Dogs lick the air for different reasons, some of which have significant health impacts. Natural causes involve thirst and hunger. There are more gastrointestinal disorders or compulsive disorders. But pathological causes include stress and anxiety, nausea, and dental disease.

Do you want to learn more?

We’ve prepared a complete guide to address your questions specifically for you.

What are you waiting for? Let’s get this started!

Is it Normal for Dogs to Lick the Air?

Humans may not always understand what dogs are saying or doing. In that case, it’s entirely natural when your dog licks the floor or your hands.

But licking the air might seem unnatural to you. 

Dogs lick the air for a variety of reasons. For instance, improving smell, and communicating fear, and stomach discomfort. 

Occasionally, quick instances of air-licking are not a reason for concern. But it would help if you looked for changes in the duration or frequency spent licking.

What Causes Dogs to Lick the Air?

There are several reasons your dog may lick the air; the effective treatments are numerous. 

Talk with your vet to determine the underlying reason for your dog’s air-licking. It can help you choose how to treat the condition if adequate treatment is required.

Below is a list of 8 logical reasons why your dog licks the air.

Reason 1: Enhancing Their Smell Sensitivity

We all know dogs have a strong sense of smell. Your dog’s sense of smell is 10,000 to 100,000 times stronger than yours. Thanks to 125-250 million olfactory systems in their nasal. Which is only 5-6 million in our nostrils. 

The olfactory system organ is responsible for this enhanced ability to smell. This organ is found inside a dog’s nasal passage. It’s also found on the roof of the mouth behind the front teeth. It enables them to detect fish or beef so quickly.

When dogs curve their upper lip and flare their noses, they finally open their vomeronasal organs. They will do that to get a better scent of their environment. 

Dogs may boost the fragrance given to this delicate organ by licking the air, which directs far more odor particles to the brain.

Reason 2: Anxiety and Stress

Sometimes a dominating or dangerous dog might unexpectedly attack you. In that case, several actions signal surrender or appeasing in the dog world. 

One of these actions is licking. You can observe your dog licking the air when you talk harshly or look at them. This is a sign that they recognize you are in authority. 

Avoid eye contact and talk in a calm voice if your dog often licks the air. This may reduce their anxiousness enough for them to quit licking. Depending on the source of the stress, numerous anti-anxiety activities and vitamins are necessary.

Reason 3: Teeth Pain and Dental Disease

A loose or uncomfortable tooth can alter your dog’s biting posture and lead them. You can notice them licking the air at that time because they attempt to move or lessen the discomfort. 

That’s why during yearly checkups, inquire about your dog’s oral health. 

Dogs, like humans, require dental treatment and exceptionally expert cleanings. Schedule a dental exam if your dog has bad breath or licks the floor frequently.

Reason 4: Ingestion of a Foreign Object

Dogs eating food like popcorn can get stuck in their jaws. In such cases, they may appear to be licking the air. Before the licking stops, the item may need to be removed under anesthesia. 

Is your dog gnawing on a bone and immediately licking at the air? Then Look for debris lodged between their jaws or on the roof of their mouth. 

Allowing your dog to chew on anything that might break or fracture can cause oral wounds. And also hazardous digestive conditions that may necessitate treatment.

Reason 5: Gastrointestinal Disorders

Dogs lick the air to relieve sickness, which could signify a more significant problem. When your dog has gastrointestinal issues, a change in diet is what your dog needs most.

Make an appointment with the veterinarian if your dog’s air-licking is accompanied by nausea. 

A recurrent unsettled tummy might be triggered by anything as simple as food intolerance. But also can be a sign of pancreatitis, inflammatory bowel disease, or other GI diseases.

Reason 6: Skin Problems

Dogs with itchy skin will lick or bite at their skin to ease the itch. When dogs cannot reach the itchy area, they might lick it to relieve itching.

Skin disorders that cause a dog to lick, it frequently remedied with pest control treatments: a food allergy diet test or the inclusion of omega-3 fats in your dog’s diet.

If you’re seeking omega-3 fat for your dog’s diet, here are a few that come recommendable:

Product 1
Product 2

Now that you have omega-3 for your dog remember to give it in moderatiConsult a veterinarian if.

Consult a veterinarian if your dog’s air-licking is accompanied by itching. Talk to them about parasite treatment and other itchy-relieving options.

Reason 7: Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

Perhaps your dog’s air-licking began due to fear but has now become more regular. It could have escalated to an obsessive habit that they cannot stop on their own. 

Consult your vet to see whether an obsessive-compulsive disorder causes your dog’s obsessive licking.

Reason 8: Dysfunction of the Mind

Canine cognitive dysfunction syndrome (CDS) is related to Alzheimer’s disease in humans. It’s expected to afflict an average of 14% aged eight years and older with rising incidence.

Repetitive activity, including licking, biting, and spinning, is one of the numerous indications of CDS. If you suspect your dog has CDS, consult your veterinarian about other signs.

These are all the eight reasons why your dog licks the air. Let’s talk about what we should do if we notice too much licking. 

What Should You Do If You Notice Your Dog Licking the Air?

First, assess whether the air licking is just a specific behavior reaction to a stimulus this case, the activity should be irregular and respond to the environmental or interpersonal sig Such as anticipating food or displaying submission. Such as predicting food or displaying requests.

Inspect your dog’s mouth to see if there’s an easily removed foreign item or injury. Whether the habit has suddenly appeared and you note that its regularity and length are atypical. In all circumstances, the behavior should cease after the thing has been removed or recovered. 

In the event of injuries, you must examine it daily to ensure it’s not contaminated. But it would help if you took your dog to the veterinarian for a checkup. They’ll instantly determine the source of the problem, like air licking, your dog’s humping tendency, or something else.

It’s a good idea to record videos of dogs because they won’t display their behavior at clinics. Get expert guidance if your vet discovers health issues, but your dog remains the same. 

How to Stop Extreme Licking

The underlying reason will determine how to avoid licking. Among the alternatives are:

  • Keeping circumstances that bring undue worry and tension to a minimum.
  • Offering high-quality, nutritionally balanced food.
  • Providing a plethora of high-quality, long-lasting playthings and regular exercise time.
  • Avoid trash and garbage exposures.
  • You are brushing your dog’s teeth every day. Consider the suggestions of your vet for yearly checkups and dental treatments.


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