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Can Dogs Eat Chicken Bones? [What Are the Dangers]

I know chicken bones are delicious for your dog. But to ensure your dog’s safety, you must be careful about what you’re feeding them. Because giving dogs something, they shouldn’t have is dangerous.

Can dogs eat chicken bones?

Dogs usually don’t have a problem digesting chicken bones. Chicken bones typically dissolve in the stomach, avoiding choking. But cooked bones may break and harm a dog’s organs. Table leftovers of chicken or other cooked bones are forbidden. Offer chicken bones to dogs only under close supervision. Make sure that the bones don’t shatter into tiny bits.

Still unsure? Don’t worry! Each piece of info about this topic is broken down here to provide proper information.

Read through my piece to find out everything needed!

Are Raw Chicken Bones Appropriate For Dogs?

Yes, dogs can eat raw chicken bones, to put it simply. Raw bones are a portion of natural food for dogs. These are excellent sources of calcium and phosphorus. 

Dogs’ digestive processes are built to break down bones. This is particularly true if the bones are part of a delicious meat-based dinner.

If your dog ate some raw chicken bones, offering it a meal is better. This way the bone and the rest of the food are digested simultaneously. 

The dinner will also stimulate the production of stomach acids in your dog’s stomach. This will aid in the digestion and dissolution of the bones.

Give chicken wing tips and neckpieces if you treat your dog with chicken bones. and if you want you can add some rib bones to them. But before doing so, learn if ribs bones are dog-safe.  

Also, always chop them up into tiny pieces. This prevents the bones from getting stuck in your dog’s throat.

Are Cooked Chicken Bones Safe?

Like other cooked bones, cooked chicken bones are considered riskier than raw.

Cooked bones are softer and more brittle than raw bones. A dog’s jaws, throat, or digestive system are at risk while eating cooked bones.

Cooked bones are also devoid of nutrients. Dogs don’t require roasted chicken bones, so keep away from them.

How Dangerous Are Chicken Bones to Dogs?

Dogs who eat chicken bones usually have no problems digesting them. Chicken bones will crumble and digest once they reach the stomach. 

The bones will usually pass without a hitch. But the bones might be dangerous due to the following factors:

Choking Hazards

Dogs that try to swallow chicken bones whole may die. They may get trapped in the esophagus on the way down. 

It will cause your dog to choke, drool, and retch. This can also happen after you feed pears to dogs.

It might also become caught at the back of your dog’s throat or the start of their airway. If this happens, your dog will choke and feel trouble breathing. 

Coughing aggressively can help your dog to try to dislodge the bone. 

The Dog Might Rip Its Intestines 

Chicken bones are prone to splintering, especially when cooked. They might be sharp, causing your dog’s esophagus and digestive tract to perforate. 

Infections and inflammations might develop as a consequence. This demands immediate medical attention.

Contamination with Bacteria

If the chicken bone is not cooked, bacteria such as salmonella may be present. As a consequence, your dog may get seriously ill. 

This illness is called salmonella infection. This can also take place if you feed your dog raw chicken. 

Things to Do If Your Dog Eats Chicken Bones

Despite our best efforts, our dogs may suffer from bone issues. It’s rare for dogs to eat leftovers, excavate the garbage, or steal from the table. Anyways, these are the things to do if your dog ate chicken bones- 

Keep Patience

If you doubt that your dog has consumed chicken bones, remain calm. If you manage to capture your dog, remove the remaining bones gently. 

Remember that dogs have a solid attachment to their food. They will try to consume it all before you can remove it.

Keeping your cool will help your dog relax. Panic might cause your dog to become confused, which can be dangerous.

Prevent Upcoming Danger

If your dog has eaten chicken bones, ensure it can no longer do so. While picking up spilled bones, you may need to keep them away. 

Notice Signs

Sickness or injury caused by a bone should be treated quickly. When in doubt, take your pet to the vet. 

The following signs may indicate your dog has eaten a chicken bone:

  • Uninterested in food
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Lethargy
  • Drooling, gagging
  • Coughing
  • Breathing difficulties

Quickly get to a pet hospital if your pet dog shows any of these signs.

Inform Your Veterinarian

Your veterinarian will tell you what to do and what not to do. Your vet will also be able to assess the danger after you bring your dog in for a checkup. It will depend on characteristics such as breed and size.

Most vets advise against forcing your dog to vomit to remove the bones. This increases the chance of the bones being caught in the esophagus on the way up. 

Instead, they may urge you to offer your dog some bread or pumpkin. These will ‘cushion’ the bones and prevent gut injury.

It will not cost you anything to call your vet. The best action is to put your faith in your veterinarian and follow their advice.

Generally, don’t give your pup bones. If your dog shows trouble, contact an emergency veterinarian immediately!

Instead of chicken bones, you can provide some healthy and tasty treats. I’ve added the recommendations here for you:

Product 1
Product 2

Give these to your dog as a safer treat choice! 


What’s the approximate time to digest chicken bones?

The Diet and size of your dog will all impact how quickly the chicken bone passes. Some dogs may give the bones in two days. If your dog usually acts after eating chicken bones, there should be no problems. Hopefully, the bone will be absorbed naturally. Most doctors advise you to wait until your dog shows indications of discomfort.

Can chicken bones cause death?

Chicken bones have caused dog deaths, although it is rare. Bones may puncture the esophagus, which joins the mouth and stomach. When the esophagus is perforated, bacteria from the mouth enter the chest cavity. It causes infection and discomfort. This may cause severe illness or death.

Can I treat my dog at home?

Not. Maybe you can save some money but this will risk your dog’s life. That’s why I suggest you contact a vet immediately.