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Why Does My Dog Sleep With His Eyes Open [Reasons & Solutions]

Then you’ve arrived at the ideal location.

Suddenly you see that your dog behaves abnormally, like sleeping with its eyes open.

Then probably you are also a little bit worried about your dog because of his sleep. 

Are you curious to know the reasons?

Sometimes dogs sleep with open eyes because of a typical occurrence. But it could also be the result of a medical condition as well. Like, as lagophthalmos, seizures, and so on. The genuine reason might be they are dreaming. Or it can be that your dog is simply safeguarding itself from predators.

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Why Does Your Dog Sleep With Their Eyes Open

A dog is snoring while it’s sleeping. Also, it’s keeping their eyes open during sleeping time. These are often some common phenomena a dog parent observes. 

It is now time to describe the reasons and solutions for these occurrences. You can find some medical reasons and typical reasons for your dog sleeping with his eyes open. Depends on the circumstances.

Medical Reasons

Let’s have a look at the medical reasons first:


This word is medically used to describe the fact that your dog cannot completely close its eyes. Because the eye’s ball is too large for the eyelids to seal over, this is the most common cause. 

There are many reasons, including heredity or an underlying condition like glaucoma. 

  • Consult your veterinarian if your dog has suddenly begun sleeping with one eye open and appears to be getting more significant. They can check to see if anything is wrong with this particular eye.
  • To ensure that your dog’s eyes are healthy and that nothing else is wrong, you should give them proper medicine and non-allergic food.


A dog’s eyes may be completely open or partially closed, which is having a seizure. Dogs can have seizures when they are sleeping. 

Seizures can range from minor twitches and motions to full-body convulsions, depending on the severity of the attack. 

You may not be able to detect whether your dog is having a seizure or just daydreaming when seizures are mild. But it’s possible to distinguish between a dozing and a seizing dog by observing the following key differences.

A sleeping dog’s eyes are usually only opened for a brief period. Seizure-prone dogs may open their eyes wide and shake their heads amid a convulsion, which is common in dogs sleeping.

Relaxed canines appear to be in a good mood as they are sleeping. But seizure-inducing facial expressions and jaw actions can be expected from dogs while dreaming. 

You should anticipate witnessing far more dramatic jaw motions and an expression that is not calm. When a dog has a seizure, it may open and close its jaw and bite its tongue.

Dog noises will appear muffled or muted while in a seizure. Alternatively, dogs may create completely vocalized noises of distress, such as whining or crying.

The sounds of sleeping pets will be muffled. Because of their immobility, dogs who cry in sleep or bark don’t make as much noise as they would otherwise.

Dogs that are fast asleep can be woken up by their owners. You can rouse the dog awake with a tiny bit of shaking or shouting its name. On the other hand, a dog that is having seizures will not respond to your calls or shakes.


Let’s see the solutions for seizures below.

Keep Calm 

Maintain a peaceful state of mind during and after the seizure. Confidence and calmness will make your dog less likely to react adversely to you during an epileptic seizure.

Remove Any Potential Hazards from Your Dog’s Environment

Your dog’s seizures can be harmful. If your dog has an attack, it may lose control of its body. Hence it would help if you tried to keep them from rolling off the ground. 

Remove any obstructions from the area around them to ensure their safety.

Protect Yourself And Your Family

Dogs with seizures often feel bewildered, ill, and tired when they wake up. When a dog is recovering from a stroke, it’s not uncommon for them to become aggressive.

It doesn’t matter how well your dog gets along with everyone else in the household. At its most extreme, a dog’s hostility can lead to attacks on humans and other animals in the home. It can even be the dog’s owner. 

Maintain a safe distance from your dog while he is experiencing a seizure.

Go to The Veterinarian 

It would help if you went to the vet as soon as you noticed your dog has seizures. As medication can minimize or prevent them. Then you can keep the vet updated if the seizures worsen after the drug.

Natural Reasons

Now that we’ve seen the medical reasons let’s see the natural causes.

Dreaming of Protecting Themselves

Canines experience minor tremors in their dreams. Their eyes may twitch open while they sleep. Dogs may keep their eyes open while they’re in a deep sleep and dreaming.

Violent dogs are particularly restless. Even if they were in a deep sleep, keeping their eyes slightly open may keep them aware of the enemies.

In any case, dogs are more likely to keep their eyes open in sleep for various reasons.


Why do dogs lay at my feet?

Laying or sleeping near your feet can sometimes indicate a need for comfort or dread of something. It is also an indication of a subservient dog. Your dog may feel compelled to defend you. Canines may also lay or sit on your feet as an indication of territorial marking for other dogs.

Do my dogs realize how much you adore them?

Yes, your dog knows how much you adore him. Both of your oxytocin levels rise when you stare at your dog and cuddle and play with them. It makes you realize something extraordinary and strengthens your friendship.

Is it possible for dogs to identify themselves in the mirror?

Although dogs cannot recognize themselves in the glass or mirror, they show self-awareness and perform well in other self-recognition tests. They can smell themselves and recollect particular occurrences.