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Why Does My Dog Sit On My Feet [7 Intriguing Reasons]

Your dog talks to you in its way. It tells you more than you think.

All of its seemingly meaningless yet endearing behaviors have deeper meanings. 

If it’s snuggling up to you or resting on you, it’s doing so for a reason.

Why does my dog sit on my feet?

Your dog can be sitting at your feet for several reasons. It could be for warmth, out of instinct, or simply for love. The behavior might be triggered by anxiety or fear. In some cases, it can be a learned one. You need to be incredibly attentive if your dog’s behavior isn’t normal. 

The above reasons must give you a preview, but there are more reasons. Stay with us, as we will cover the bases in more depth. 

My Dog’s Sitting at My Feet: What are the Reasons?

Your dog is an intelligent creature. While it can’t convey messages as we do, its actions speak for it. And some can mean different things based on how they are done.

Sitting at your feet can have several meanings. Here’s what your furry buddy might be conveying by sitting at your feet.  

Reason 1: Your Dog is Cold

If it’s cold, your dog will try to get warm. It’ll try to absorb your body heat. Your canine pal will snuggle as close to you as possible. Your dog will probably prefer sitting right next to you on the couch. 

But when the furniture’s off-limits, it’ll sit at your feet, warming itself with your body heat. It’s very endearing. Though you should look into getting it a blanket. You may have a look at the items below:

Product 1
Product 2

Either of these will keep your dog warm and happy. 

Reason 2: Your Dog is Showing Its Love

Your furry companion loves you a lot. And sometimes, it shows you it loves you by snuggling up to you. Sitting on your feet, like sleeping under the covers, is a sign of love. 

While most dogs prefer sitting next to you, yours might find it too warm. That’s why instead of being on the furniture, it’s on the floor next to your feet. 

There might be a power struggle when you have more than one dog. Your dogs might compete to see who has a closer spot to you. 

Reason 3: Your Dog Might Be Scared

If your dog is scared, it’s going to look for security. And what better security is there than being near the pack leader? Pay special attention to your dog’s body language if you feel this is the case.  

As the causes of your dogs getting hiccups, not all reasons for lying at your feet are harmless. This is mainly a concerning one. You can pinpoint whether this is the case by looking out for other signs.  

Your canine will have its tail tucked under its body. It will also have its ears raised and pulled back. If these signs are there, then your dog’s sitting on your feet out of fear.

When the behavior is triggered by fear, you must deal with the underlying cause. The best way is first to figure out what is scaring your dog. And then expose it to the object of its fear in a controlled manner. 

Reason 4: Your Dog’s Instincts are Kicking in 

Another explanation for sitting on your feet might be that it’s instinctual. Your furry friend is a pack animal. And it sees you as a part of its pack. And most likely sees you as the alpha. 

It’s instinctual for pack animals to want to protect the alpha. Hence, it’ll sit by you and stay alert to defend you. 

Reason 5: Your Dog is Exhibiting Territorial Behavior

There’s a good possibility that your dog is showing dominance over its territory and you. Sitting at your feet and laying there expresses that you’re his family. Your canine pal wants you to smell like it. 

This is its way of keeping other dogs away from you. That makes it feel safe and secure about its place in your life. 

Reason 6: Your Dog Has Separation Anxiety

If your dog has separation anxiety, try to find comfort by being close. Being near you can have a calming effect on your dog. Dogs suffering from anxiety will try to stick as close to you as possible.

They might even try to block you from leaving. That is when you’ll see them sitting or laying on your feet—or even lying down to keep you from moving.

Do not encourage the behavior if this is the cause. Instead, give it the treat to keep it busy when you leave. Or, leave clothes that you had recently worn outside when you go. Slowly wean them off of their over-attachment to you.

Reason 7: Your Dog Learned the Behavior

Lastly, there are possibilities that your dog has learned this behavior. Your dog might’ve realized that it gets attention when resting at your feet. And might be repeating that behavior out of a desire for attention. 

Your dog is sitting on your feet for one of these reasons. 

How to Prevent Dogs from Sitting on My Feet

Despite its endearing nature, you might not want this behavior to stick. What would you do in that case? Worry not! We have a few tips on how you can stop your dog from exhibiting this behavior. 

Tip 1: Figuring Out the Cause of Fear

To pinpoint the source of its fear, you must observe your dog. See if it’s cowering away from an object or person. If the behavior is triggered by anxiety, then getting rid of it will do. 

Then expose it to that source in a guided manner. Once your canine friend is over the fear, it should stop sitting on your feet.

Tip 2: Don’t Provide Encouragement 

As mentioned previously, the behavior can sometimes be learned. It’ll continue if your dog feels it gets more attention doing this. The solution is not to give it attention when sitting on your feet. 

Instead, only pay attention to it once it gets off your feet.  

Tip 3: Encouraging Alternate Behavior

Another solution to the problem is positive reinforcement. Instead of denying it attention when it sits on your feet, treat it when sitting elsewhere.

You can share a treat whenever it doesn’t sit on your feet. Over time, your dog will associate not sitting on your feet with your approval. This will make it stop.

That’s all from us about the whys of the behavior and the ways to prevent it.


How cold is too cold for dogs? 

Anything lower than 32°F is too cold for dogs. If your dog is a smaller breed with shorter hair, be attentive. These dogs can develop hypothermia more easily. Below 20°F, you must keep your dog warmed. 

Can dogs die of hypothermia? 

Yes. Dogs can die of hypothermia. When their body temperature falls below 99°F, they’ll develop mild hypothermia. If the hypothermia is not treated, respiratory distress, cardiac arrest, and even death might occur. 

Can dogs get heatstroke? 

Yes. Dogs can get heat strokes. Not only that, but it can also prove fatal. When the temperature of the dog’s body rises too high, it lowers the temp by panting. If the panting doesn’t do it, heatstroke is possible.