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Why Does My Dog Put His Butt On Me [5 Reasons]

Medically Reviewed by Dr. Majid Tanveer, DVM

It gets very annoying if your dog starts to rub his butt on you.

Or if he plopped his butt on you, for example.

You may be asking why he is acting in this manner.

Is there something bothering him or what?

Why does my dog put his butt on me? 

There might be various reasons your dog would place his butt on you. In that way, your dog may try to say hello. Or, in other cases, your dog can try to mark you by putting a scent on you. On the other hand, it can be irritation like intestine worms that cause your dog to put his butt on you.

It would help if you still were very dizzy about that matter. Don’t worry. We have made this whole article to clear you out. 

Let’s not waste any time and get on with it!

My Dog Put His Butt On Me: 5 Reasons Explained!

Like us humans, dogs also make social bonds. But they express their feelings quite differently from us. But in some cases, it can look very cringe. 

Putting his butt on the owner’s face can be a way to communicate with the owner. The same goes for rubbing the butt around the owner. In that way, dogs try to share and bond with their owner. 

But if your dog rubs his rear in a way, it itches. There can be other reasons like food allergies from having food like shrimp or ham. 

Here we have collected some of the best possible reasons why your dog can put his butt on you:

Reason #1: Trying To Say Hello 

Relaxing on the couch, your dog puts his butt on you. Or, after entering the house, your dog runs to you and rubs his butt on you. This butt-rubbing action can be every day when you come back home. 

Most vets said it could be a way of saying hello to the owner. Or more like your dog is saying hello and welcome home.  

Reason #2: Claiming You As The Owner 

It can be a reason for a dog to rub his rare part with the owner. Or to sit on the owner. In that way, they try to say that you are their owner. 

You might wonder why the dog has to rub its butt to mark the owner? Well, let us answer your question.

The scent gland releases pheromones. There are mass scent glands under their tails. As humans, we can’t notice these scents. But dogs can detect these scents.

And with these scents, they try to mark their owner. Or even try to create a special bond with the owner. 

So the next time your dog rubs his rare part on you or tries to put his butt on you. Remember, he may be trying to consider you as one of his friends. You can treat him with spicy baked cinnamon crumbs or biscuits to appreciate it.

Reason #3: Wanting to be Petted in The Rear 

This can also be a reason. If your dog wants to be petted in the rear, he can rub his butt on you. It is also a bonding time for the owner and the dog.

Some dogs like to be petted. In that way, they make a bond with the owner. If you have a breed like that, it’s apparent that he will put his butt on you. And that’s an everyday thing for some of the breed.

Reason #4: Itching In The Rare Part

There can be another reason. For dogs scratching the rare part is tricky. They can give you a sign if it’s itchy in the backside. 

To do so, they may rub their back on you. Or put their butt on you. 

In that case, you can gently scratch their rare side, which may solve the problem. But, if you find that the itching occurs at irregular intervals.

Then you should schedule an appointment with your veterinarian. Your dog may be facing some skin rashes or skin diseases. 

Reason #5: Trying To Indicate Worm Infestation 

Suppose your dog rubs his rare site or butt riotously. Then you can get concerned about that matter.

It can be because of the worm infestation inside the intestine of the dogs. Intestinal parasites tapeworms can be a reason for their irritation.

In case they get very irritated or get very itchy, then the dogs can show some symptoms. And profusely rubbing their butt or putting their butt on you can be one of them. 

You’ll need to consult a veterinarian if this happens. The vet may suggest some medication or supplements. We’ve compiled a list of some of the top vitamins for dogs for you:

Product 01 
Product 02

These supplements are great for your dog’s health and digestion. They are mainly collected based on the customer’s review. We hope these supplements will support your dog’s nutrition. 

Prevent Your Dog From Putting His Butt On You: 3 Methods You Can Try! 

We know your dog’s habit of rubbing his buttocks on you bothers you. And with proper training or some prevention, you can easily change the practices of your dogs.

Here are some steps for you. By following them, you can easily change the habit of your dogs. 

Method 1: Obedient Training 

Try training your dog to follow your command. Then when it tries to put its butt on you, you can command not to. Instead of that, you can control him to sit down. 

Dogs love to have treats like pears, mangoes, and other fruits. So next time your dog behaves like a good boy, feed him some pears. You’ll be able to spend more time with your dog this way.

Method 2: Ignore Your Dog 

When your dog is doing that kind of behavior, like putting his butt on you or rubbing on you, the best you can do is ignore them. 

That way, it will tell him that that approach won’t help him. And it will demotivate him to make that approach again. 

Method 3: Don’t Reward This Behavior 

Suppose you want to stop your dog from behaving like rubbing the butt. You have to stop rewarding him for that. 

We think excellent treatment is a reward, but it’s not always. Something giving him attention can also be a reward for him.

Moreover, if all of the above methods don’t, it means there’s an underlying medical cause like allergies or worm ingestion.

Seek veterinary help as soon as possible. The vet will likely recommend a course of treatment to get your pet back in good health.


Why do my dogs sit facing away from me? 

It can be a sign that your dog that he trusts you. Or some might say it can be because they try to prevent you from danger. 

Do dogs get jealous? 

Yes, dogs can get pretty jealous. The dog might get jealous. Suppose he finds out about any interaction of his owner with a potential rival. 

Can dogs know their name? 

Yes, dogs can know their name. They can learn their name through classical conditioning.