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Why Does My Dog Keep Shaking His Head: 6 Reasons Behind It

Has your dog suddenly started shaking his head repeatedly?

We understand it might be very concerning for you.

Why does my dog keep shaking his head?

Canine head swaying is a frequent thing. Puppies reflexively shake their heads to relieve tightness, harshness, or discomfort. This is also a practical approach to removing moisture or bugs from the inner ear. If your dog suffered trauma, it might also be shaking its head.

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Reasons Why Your Dog Keeps Shaking His Head

We’ve explored six most likely reasons why your dog keeps shaking his head.

You can go through these reasons carefully to resolve your concern. 

Let’s get into it!

Reason 1: Ear Infection

Tinnitus in canines is a widespread cause. Infections can develop in the inner, middle, or outer ear canals. They arise whenever germs or fungi multiply in the inner ear.

Ear infections are a significant medical condition that causes persistent head bobbing in dogs. Typically it can be very unpleasant with a lot of fluid and swelling. Pups end up shaking their heads as a result of this.

But outer ear canal infections seem to be the most frequent in canines. Allergens and hormonal illness are all possible causes of erysipelas in dogs.

An infection is likely if you detect red, inflammation, or drainage in your dog’s ears. Chronic issues cause the majority of ear infections in canines. This ends up disrupting the ear’s typical protective coating.

Swelling may stem as a result of this once the ear tubes develop fluid and inflammation, a suitable environment forms. It results in the proliferation of bacteria or yeast and causes infection.

Reason 2: Ear Vasculitis

The swelling of the vascular system in the ear lobes is known as ear vasculitis. But unfortunately, it can also affect any dog. Particular varieties, such as Dachshunds, Collies, Shetland Sheepdogs, and German Shepherds, are more vulnerable.

In this case, your dog might rub his face on you constantly. They do so to feel slightly relaxed. 

Parasites could also cause ear irritation. They are pretty rare in mature dogs. Puppies are more prone to them—particularly those in a cramped environment that encourages regular contact with other canines.

Immune sickness, frostbite, insect bites, or other environmental exposures can all induce ear vasculitis.

Reason 3: Allergies

Allergies are the explanation of something like a dog jerking their heads. Especially when there is no ear inflammation or deformities insight, some canines are allergic to breathed pollutants. 

Some dogs are hypersensitive to the antigens in their food. t could be tree pollen, weeds, grasses, mold, or anything else. You could start feeding your dogs ground beef or chicken. Both forms of allergens can cause ear canal irritation.

Among the most problems occurring with allergies in dogs is ear scratching. Sometimes canines are hypersensitive to a particular food ingredient or toxins in the surroundings. Head trembling in hypersensitivity dogs is usually followed by skin problems and ear clawing.

Have a veterinarian take a look at your dog. If your pet has a food intolerance, your dog will be on a diet.

An eating plan entails keeping a dog on a balanced meal with a specific carb component. Try to incorporate an exceptionally high protein content that the canine has never had. Occupational allergies are diagnosed through urine tests or transcutaneous skin testing.

Reason 4: Ear Trauma

Any ear laceration might cause discomfort and head trembling. Trauma can be caused by something outside of the body. If your canine has recently had an accident, particularly on the head, it may lead to discomfort.

They may then begin to shake in an attempt to alleviate the sensations. This can also occur if your dog has suffered significantly from a seizure. Other potential causes are inner ear infections or cognitive disease.

Pollutants and substances can disrupt the neurological system and cause odd behavior. You will find your dog suddenly chattering his teeth due to the sudden onslaught of emotions. Toxic substances could be responsible if you observe other indicators, such as temporary blindness.

You should contact a veterinarian immediately if you have any of these symptoms. A superficial cut may recover on its own. And the swaying of the head may cease. But finding out without running tests is quite tricky.

Reason 5: Water in the Ears

Moisture inside the lobes can induce head shaking, which can be bypassed. Before washing or bathing, place cotton balls inside the dog’s ears. Avoid splashing or pouring water straight on your dog’s head throughout a wash.

You must investigate other solutions if your dog does not tolerate cotton in his ears. You can begin by applying an ear band. If that doesn’t work, wipe his ears with a drying solution after he has swum. Alternatively, clean him from the waist down and rinse his cheeks and ears.

If you don’t have any drying solutions at hand, we recommend the following:

Product 1
Product 2

Your veterinarians can offer safe and efficient medicine based on your dog’s specific requirements.

Reason 6: Tumors 

Head tilting is a typical medical symptom of eustachian tube malignancies in dogs. It’s frequently associated with prolonged powerful ear leakage. Other symptoms are a sore, itchy, and uncomfortable ear and scratching.

The dog may lose equilibrium if the development happens in the inner ear. The dog’s dexterity may also begin to deteriorate. It will start to circle, turn its head, experience facial paralysis, and lose hearing.

Peripheral ear tube malignancies are more prevalent than center or inner ear tumors. Endocrine gland pituitary tumors and adenocarcinomas are the most pervasive external ear canal cancers.

Diagnosis and treatment of a dog’s head swaying are critical. It isn’t just because it might indicate a potentially hazardous issue. Now that you’ve read the reasons you can better deal with it. 

What Should You Do to Deal with Your Dog Head Shaking?

Without the guidance of a veterinarian, ear problems must not be treated at home. In case of dirt in the ears, your veterinarian should conduct a deep cleaning of the canals. Ensure that it’s done while your dog is adequately sedated. 


How could I manage an ear infection in my dog?

Regarding your canine’s ears, dab a cotton swab with hydrochloric acid. You can also add a few drops of canola oil to it. Mix apple cider vinegar and water to cleanse the ears and prevent disease.

Will an animal’s earache clear up on its own?

Most of the time, a dog’s ear infection would not go entirely by itself. If you leave it too late, it will become more resistant to treatment. Delayed ear infections can result in chronic problems like hearing loss.

Can I give Benadryl to my dog for just an infection?

Regrettably, Benadryl is mainly useful for allergic responses and causing sleepiness. It has no anti-infective properties. For ear infections, your pet will need a temporary animal ear antibiotic. It can only be obtained through your veterinarian.