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Why Does My Dog Howl at Sirens [Reasons + Solutions]

Dog howling is a common act of action in their communication.

Usually, some dogs respond to sirens as they assume it to be another dog trying to communicate with them.

Dogs howl because they are descendants of wolves. Howling is a behavior present in dogs’ DNA. They use it as a form of communication. The dog may howl when they do not feel secure. Separation anxiety is also responsible for a dog howling. A dog may show his pain or injury by howling.

To properly know about the howling behaviors of dogs, you need details about that. This article will give you all the details you need.

Now, keep on reading!

Do All Dogs Howl at Siren?

Howling is certainly not universal. Some dogs howl whenever they hear a siren, and some ignore them entirely no matter how loud they are.

What’s the matter? Why are some not howling?

Just like humans, every dog is different from each other. Some dogs respond immediately after hearing a siren, and others don’t. 

Maybe they feel secure at their house. Or consider the humans as their pack as dogs were descendants of the wolves who lived in a group. 

Whatever the reason, if your dog isn’t a howler, don’t panic or worry. It’s completely normal.

Why Does the Dog Howl at Sirens?

Just assume you are sitting in the house enjoying a lovely time. Your dog is sitting next to you. 

Suddenly you hear a siren, and your dog picks its ear up, jumps off, and starts howling like it’s going out. If you have a dog, you might be familiar with this scenario.

Why do dogs howl at sirens? Let’s know about them

Because of Ancestry

Dogs howl at sirens for several types of reasons. The most essential of which has to do with their genetic makeup.

As lovely and cuddly as your pet is now, they weren’t always like that. 

Wolves were the ancestors of dogs. Canines’ howling is unmistakably inherited from wolves, even if this doesn’t often appear in how they act and interact with people now.

Wolves communicate with each other with their howlings. Howl produces high-pitched sounds, and with the help of it, they speak and find their way back to the pack if they are separated.

Even if your dog does not live with a wolf pack, this howling remains in its DNA.

Separation Anxiety 

“Separation anxiety” refers to a dog’s fear of being separated from its family. When they are away from their owners, they exhibit distress behaviors, including destruction, vocalization, and house soiling.

When a dog suffers from separation anxiety, it will often follow its owners around the house and avoid spending any time alone outside of the house. The dog may lick the legs of the owner to show his affection for his owner. 

Anxiety might arise as soon as the owners prepare to leave the house. They desire physical touch and attention from their owners. But not from all canines. 

This anxiety may make the dogs howl to seek the owner’s attention and affection.

Safety And Security

Another common reason for howling at sirens may be for safety and security.

Your dog may hear the sounds of sirens at a distance. The sound might be harmless, but your dog may think it is a threat.

It is in their behavior that they scream whenever they see or hear anything unusual. Or new or potentially dangerous in their environment. 

Assuming the sirens as threats, they start howling to alert you about the danger and seek your attention. 

It would help if you tried to give the dog a proper safe environment. 

Some people believe that dogs can howl at sirens because the sounds hurt their ears. That’s why dogs hate this sound frequency.

But does your dog show other symptoms of distress? 

Such as hiding under furniture, fleeing from the noise, or putting their tail between their legs. Then these sounds likely won’t affect them.

Pain and Injury

Dogs may howl when they are in pain or injured. Some dogs may convey their anguish by yelping, howling, or screaming out in distress. 

Pain can cause your dog to show facial expressions and postures of distress. They can also become aggressive or antisocial.

Look for more symptoms. Lack of interest in everyday activities and a decrease in appetite can be indicators of pet depression. Symptoms like hiding under the bed are also common.

How Can You Make Your Dog Stop Howling at the Siren?

It is usual for dogs to howl. If your dog cries at the sound of sirens from time to time, you don’t need to be alarmed.

That being said, the wailing of an overly agitated dog may warrant some effort on the part of its owner. A howling problem can be solved effectively by preventing your dog from wailing and praising him for remaining silent.

If your dog begins to bark or wail, you can do the following:

Please don’t pay any attention to them. It would help if you taught your dog that howling would not garner attention from you or anybody else.

When your dog hears a siren and does not respond by howling, reward them with praise and a reward.

After some time, your dog will learn that remaining silent leads to quality treats like beef. They’ll stop howling as a result.

Here are some delicious recommendations for beef jerky:

Product 1
Product 2

Consult a dog trainer if you can’t get them to stop howling when they hear a siren in the distance.

That’s all we had to say.


How does a dog sound when it is in pain?

Depending on the severity of the injury, a dog may sound like yelp, whimper, growl, snarl, or even howl.

Are dogs sad when they howl?

A howling dog may just be looking for attention. It’s sad, lonely, and depressing for dogs if they don’t have enough to occupy them while you’re away.

Why do some dogs bark at strangers?

There is a good chance that dogs who bark at strangers are doing so because they are protecting their territory. This barking is caused by your dog’s dread of strangers and the perception that they could be a threat.