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Why Does My Dog Cough After Drinking Water: 5 Reasons

Seeing a dog’s tongue curling as he licks water is fascinating.

But if your dog coughs, being concerned about it is normal.

Dogs’ cough reflexes are designed to remove any pollutants they consume or inhale during their travels. Coughing after drinking water shouldn’t be a cause for concern. But, specifically, if it’s a brachycephalic or a puppy, it should be a cause for concern. Consult a vet as quickly as possible.

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5 Reasons Why Your Dog Might Cough After Drinking Water

Coughing is to be considered from time to time. Dogs, like humans, do have cough reflexes to protect their lungs. 

Regrettably, it does not take much to set off that instinct. Don’t be shocked if your dog has a small coughing fit after drinking now and then. 

What happens, though, if the coughing becomes a habit? Coughing after a drink regularly is not natural. This might be an indication of a severe medical emergency.

Let’s go through the most prevalent causes of coughing in dogs after drinking water.

Reason 1 of 5: Tracheal Collapse Occurred In Your Dog

You might think first if something is choking. This is, of course, the most benign explanation. The trachea is an essential component of a dog’s throat. It is made up of thyroid cartilage, muscle, and connective tissue. It’s responsible for feeding and breathing. 

Don’t be worried if coughs begin after drinking water. It depends on how thin their windpipe is and how quickly it collapses. Affected dogs can live out their lives generally with just minor changes.

This cough generally only lasts a few weeks. A veterinarian should be consulted if your dog is a puppy or even an aged one. 

Some home cures, such as a healthy diet and limiting daily activity, can help. However, it relies on the type of collapse. 

Reason 2 of 5: Your Dog Is Sneezing Backwards

In technical terms, a backward sneeze is not the same as a cough. You may confuse it with coughing. The sound is similar to sneezing and occurs when your dog’s larynx spasms and pushes air out. 

Rapid drinking or eating is to blame for the specific problem. If you give your dog white bread, make sure he can eat the bread at a slow pace.

Backward sneezing shouldn’t be a cause for concern, even if it repeatedly occurs and in rapid succession. Some breeds are more prone to this problem, like Brachycephalic pugs and bulldogs.

With these short-muzzled dog breeds, it’s better not to make assumptions, as many have medical difficulties that other puppies don’t. 

It’s vital to recognize that backward sneezing in a brachycephalic breed could indicate a respiratory problem. Without a doubt, a veterinarian should be consulted to get the correct diagnosis.

Reason 3 of 5: Your Dog Is Suffering From Kennel Cough

An infection could be one of the most common causes of a dog coughing after drinking water. It happens in the bronchial tree or trachea. This is known as canine tracheobronchitis. 

This is the most contagious disease among pet dogs. Dogs can readily get it from one another, as well as from surfaces and materials. 

Regarding symptoms, kennel cough has many of the same ones as tracheal collapse. The most notable is a cough that sounds like one honking goose.

You should immediately separate any dog infected with kennel cough if you have many dogs. The ill dog should get its drinking stations.  

You must take every possible step to keep the pets from being infected. Provide a bottle of water to keep the dog hydrated at all times.

In terms of treatment, antibiotics can be used to control kennel cough. In severe cases, your veterinarian may prescribe azithromycin. It prevents subsequent infections while also alleviating symptoms.

In moderate cases, the signs can be overcome without medicine. Medication is required if your pet still has a healthy appetite and isn’t acting strangely.

Reason 4 of 5: Hypoplastic Trachea Is Affecting Your Dog

Canine cough after drinking water can indicate a severe medical issue, especially in small puppies. The hypoplastic trachea is a type of genetic defect. 

Hypoplastic refers to the cartilage rings responsible for the trachea’s form. The term also has the connotation of being underdeveloped.

Hypoplastic trachea could be minor, with no discernible influence on the trachea’s diameter. Symptoms appear in puppies with illness between five and six months.

Flat-faced puppies show signs of poor energy. Which follows by a rapid weight increase as a result of lethargy.

Hypoplastic trachea does not have a specific treatment. It’s a wise idea to assist your dog in maintaining a healthy weight. Excess weight might cause respiratory problems. In case of this, you must ensure that your dog can eat pumpkin as it helps dogs to gain weight. 

Reason 5 of 5: Gagging Is All Your Dog Is Doing

If your dog is coughing after drinking water, the canine’s cough reflexes may have been triggered. Dogs who become agitated quickly would gulp down their meal as if it were their final. 

Coughs are common due to the quickness with which this food enters the internal system. To lessen this possibility, wait until your pet has calmed down before offering food.

You may also need to train your dog if the gagging happens frequently. A long leash will help you in this case.

 Here are some affordable yet good-quality long leashes you can find in the market:

Product 1
Product 2

Your dog can be under control using these leashes. But check after a while if he’s gagging or throwing up using them.

Some pet parents complain of throwing up. Some say they face gagging but not throwing up.  

That’s all we have for the well-being of your dog. It’s not pleasant to see your dog cough or gag regularly. It would help if you took him to the vet as quickly asap. 


How do I get to know if my dog’s cough is severe?

When a dog coughs, you can typically detect if it’s due to heart illness. Their cough will be much worse at night or while lying down. A loss of energy and endurance may follow it.

When should I take my dog to the vet for coughing?

Contact your veterinarian if your dog develops a cough that doesn’t disappear after a few days. Also, call your veterinarian immediately if you detect any signs like trouble breathing, sneezing, or weepy eyes.

Do dogs cough from allergies?

Dogs’ most typical sign of allergies is scratching of the skin, which can be localized. Shortness of breath and coughing are some symptoms affecting the respiratory system.